JDHeD - design thinking for people, pedagogy and place

authentic engagement with people and learning
Through a series of interactive design workshops JDH partners with you and your community to unravel the challenges, aspirations, goals and objectives that are in the bedrock of your vision. Each workshop is tailored to individual needs to deliver outcomes that are meaningful, valuable, engaging and strategic. This highly creative process will encourage you to think differently and generate the ideas that lead to more innovative, resilient and sustainable outcomes. Through a highly collaborative forum, JDH encourage the co-creation with our clients. With a commitment to listening and learning JDH ask the right questions and apply our thinking to assist our clients in transforming their learning outcomes.
and so we learn….
In 1943, Sir Winston Churchill famously stated "We shape our buildings, and afterwards our buildings shape us". This view of building mirrors JDH’s belief that human centered design is a perpetual learning process. As humans we learn to adapt to our environments; but what if environment where designed to responds to our human activity? JDHeD engages in a unique holistic process which promotes the ethos of agreement and trust, and is founded by a desire to improve educational spaces and learning environments for both teacher and student.